You Fly, We Buy

See why 8 out of 10 meeting planners select Tucson after their site inspection.

Visit Tucson and Tucson's finest resorts will fly one decision maker to lodging for 3 nights, round trip airfare ($500.00 maximum, must fly in and out of Tucson International Airport) and a site tour individualized to your meeting. RFP must include a minimum of 60 rooms for two consecutive nights to qualify for a personalized site visit. (Minimum 120 room nights). Fill in the following form and we'll contact you about your upcoming meeting and start arranging your personal tour of Tucson on us. If you have any questions or need help, or prefer to submit your RFP via e-mail, contact our Convention Sales Team at or call toll-free 1-800-638-8350 ext. 134.

Your privacy is important to us, please view our Privacy Policy.

DISCLAIMER: *Tour offer open to qualified meeting planners and organization representatives only. For round trip flights, originating city must be within the U.S. (HI and AK included) and Canada only. Minimum 60 peak rooms for 2 nights meeting requirement to qualify. Offer based on availability. Offer does not include car rental. Limited time offer. Nontransferable. Restrictions do apply. Your information will be shared only with Visit Tucson member businesses that offer the goods or services you request.

Please contact me about my meeting needs and a free trip to Tucson.

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* Indicates a required field.